How To Get Your Hearing Test (Audiogram)


Get a hearing test and find out if you are experiencing loss. Here is how you do it!

How can I get my hearing test?

The simplest way is to Call our Support number: 1-877-704-4424 and we will walk you through the entire process. You can also email us at:

If you prefer to do-it-yourself, you can get your hearing tested at any Ear, Nose and Throat office (ENT). Make sure you ask for a copy of the hearing test results, your audiogram, when setting up the appointment. Because we’ll be glad to give you a second opinion on your hearing for free! We’ll tell you if you need hearing aids, which type of hearing aids will help you, and the cost of those hearing aids. There is no charge for our consultation, and no commitment to buy hearing aids from us.

After you receive your audiogram report, fax it to us at 1-877-433-3040 for your free consultation.

What is an audiogram?

An audiogram is the test results you receive when you take a hearing test. A very highly calibrated machine that produces sound at the pitches associated with human speech, called an audiometer, is hooked up to a pair of headphones that you wear. The person giving the test will chart the volume level at which you detect each pitch or tone across the frequency range where human speech takes place. After the hearing test the person giving the test will usually go over it with and show you how your hearing compares with what is considered normal hearing. It is a very simple test much like the way we get our eyes tested – no studying required!